Dec 3, 2023Liked by Irina Stanescu, Jordan Cutler

Irina & Jordan, what a great interview. This is filled with action packed advice for engineers tying to hone their leadership skills. Must read for all!

Also thanks for the mention.

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Great analogy with the box.

Initially, I thought that you can't lead without being a high-level executive because you have no power or authority.

But leadership doesn't mean deciding the direction of a 500 people org. Leadership at your level is whenever you go above and beyond outside your responsibilities. Be it a junior's responsibilities or the VP of engineering's responsibilities

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Irina Stanescu, Jordan Cutler

Thank you Irina for sharing your knowledge, and Jordan for always writing things beautifully.

A good lesson I can share to this is perhaps is when one team member proactively initiates new things, it shouldn’t appear over-stepping his/her tech lead. So as long as everyone has the best interest of everyone, the company first and not of personal gain alone.

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This is a great article on leadership.

There is something for everyone no matter what level you are at.

Thanks for putting it together Jordan and Irina!

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