I like the phrase "binary search commenting", everyones done some version of that at some point haha

Debuggers are also a great tool to help you step through code and inspect program state without print statements

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Haha you’re right 😂 I didn’t know what to call it but everyone does their own version of it.

Yeah, definitely agree on breakpoint debugging too. It should probably be in this list

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Love the advice!

Especially the smooth transition from tools to softer tactics :)

For me, the game changer was github issues. I was suprised how often searching the library and going deep into the discussion helped me solve some complex stuff.

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Thank you for noticing that transition, Anton 😅 initially I had them in a different order and I thought, "something doesn't seem right" 😂.

Yeah, me too. I don't recall when I realized it, but that was definitely the big changing point for me too

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Aug 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Cutler

I've found that starting a new Github issue - and describing it clearly and completely - finds the error, and the issue is never submitted. I've probably written more unsubmitted issues than submitted issues.

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That's great advice, Anita! I do the same thing but it is often in the form of writing up a slack message question.

The Github issue probably forces you to be more comprehensive though. And really get to the root of it

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The number 7 is the best hint.

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100%. Love that one

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The book named "Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic Debugging" by the author Andreas Zeller is a must-read to improve debugging skills.

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Thanks for sharing this, NK! I added it to my list

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by Jordan Cutler

Thanks Jordan for sharing the good set of tools. Recently I'm using ChatGPT a lot and that solved most issues.

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Totally agree. ChatGPT has been insanely helpful especially when googling the code or error message doesn't pull much up

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My favorite debugging tool is rubber ducking with coworkers. Works like magic!

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Agreed. Also such a great way to connect with them especially if you’re remote

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